Check out what our former students and fellow professionals say!
“I have studied with AM for over ten years in subjects relating to Islamic studies and GCSE Maths, English and Science. I struggled academically to understand the subjects as the school I was attending was unstable and was being taught by NQT’s who had just come into the job. AM broke that barrier and allowed me to learn the core subjects I needed as a young individual. I am glad to say that I walked out with A’s and B’s in English maths and science. As well as the academic tuition I received, Islamic studies were taught perfectly to understand the religion to a more advanced level. AM taught me life skills, how to become a better person and made me become more knowledgeable in terms of Islam and the world around me. The support I received as a child has been phenomenal and has made me the person I am today. I currently now run a successful property management business and have been fortunate enough to have had a good stable education life. So I would personally recommend AM to all and I guarantee the quality of teaching and ensure that you have a good start to your education life.”
S. Desai
“I have been with AM for 6 years and throughout that time not only did he teach me and others Islamic principles and academic education he taught us quintessential life lessons, in retrospect them life lessons have been a gentle hand through life…many times I have come across scenarios where he has advised us regarding this topic. More than an educator, mentor and teacher he is a second father figure to me. A few of my fondest memories were that our teacher organised social congregations in which all the students got together and participated in team-building activities. I left AM in 2011 however I am still in contact with him continuously and I know in lifetime contact and mentor. Also, the friends that I made from AM we are still in contact with each other and plan regular outings together. Our teacher always approached us in such a way as if we were friends and this made communication a lot easier.”
Y. Hussain
“Throughout my education, I was unsure about which path I needed to take, what profession I wanted to get into and even how to get there. I managed to get into university and decided to go into teaching but even at that stage I was wondering if this was the right decision for me, along my academic journey I met CAM… and they opened my eyes to the different opportunities there are in teaching, they encouraged me to strive for excellence in all areas and motivated and encouraged me to do the best and to always be true to myself. CAM has taught me many things in life and till this day I value their mentoring and coaching.”
M. Bashir
“I enlisted with AM at the age of 11 to gain skills in both Islamic and Secular areas. The time I spent with the education centre took me up to the end of my GCSEs and helped myself to achieve grades needed in later life. Joining AM was one of the best things to happen as it gained friends for life and mentors to facilitate in any accolades I have ambition and dreams for. The centre provided us with a sense of family and brotherhood; this has lasted to present day and formed a strong bond between us all. AM was a very modern tutorial service; which planned activities to help students gain necessary life skills. Life skills were continuously taught to us by our main teacher and those words of truth and motivation still remain with us in all our projects and ambitions. We were always taught to ‘ Think outside the box.’ I will definitely recommend CAM to others to help their perception be one of self-belief and success.”
B.A. Hussain
“It seems like it was yesterday that I was sat in a AM classroom. With the help of AM, I have been able to not only improve my grades but learn many life-long lessons along the way. Being part of AM for over 7 years enabled me to develop my grades, confidence and application knowledge. I surpassed my own expectations and was aspired to apply to one of the most oversubscribed courses being Medicine at a prestigious Russell Group University. He is definitely a one-of-a-kind teacher; the one you will remember for the rest of your life. A rare individual who is able to create content that I enjoyed so much I did not realise how much was being learnt. He not only changed the paradigm but provided a teaching style that allows learners at any age learn in a relaxed and fun environment. To this day, be it in a classroom, working environment or day-to-day activities; the teaching approach and life-lessons learnt whilst being under the guidance of AM have always enabled me to stand out from the rest allowing me achieve my ambitions. I could not recommend his unique methodology and innovative approach enough, backed by a framework of support even to this day, many years down the line. His genuine care, knowledge and understanding are beyond this world – I would not be half the person I am today.”
Dr. H. Ali